Further Reading: About Recruitment

Recruitment takes place when an organisation needs to employ a qualified person on a permanent or a contract basis to fill a vacant position and carry out a specific job. The job, along with all jobs an organisation, is necessary to fulfil the mission, goals, targets and functions of the organisation and the department or unit where the job is placed.

Vacancies usually occur when the previous jobholder leaves, is transferred or promoted, or if the organisation expands. Changing strategies, new technologies or reorganisation may also create vacancies and the need for recruitment.  

This section is about the recruitment of teachers and school leaders to the teaching service for deployment to specific pre-primary, primary, junior secondary or secondary schools across Sierra Leone’s districts. Recruitment to the teaching service applies to all approved government and government-assisted schools.

Recruitment involves obligations on the part of both employer and employee. The teacher (employee) must carry out his or her job competently, adhere to the code of conduct and contribute positively to the work climate of the school. The teaching service (employer) and the school must ensure the employee is paid adequately and timely for his or her work, has optimal working conditions, is treated respectfully, fairly and without bias, and receives the required guidance and support.

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