Rules: Performance Appraisal


  • Teacher performance appraisal is conducted annually, starting with completion of the Personal Development Plan at the beginning of the school year and concluding with assessment of results and a Performance Appraisal at the end of the school year. Halfway through the school year there is a mid-term appraisal of the Personal Development Plan.
  • Each teacher is assigned a supervisor, usually the school leader, who carries out the performance appraisal through dialogue with the teacher and through observation and scrutiny of the teacher’s performance and performance results.
  • In order to ensure fairness, transparency and objectivity, a panel is established for a school or a cluster of schools. The panel oversees and approves the performance appraisal process.
  • Performance appraisals are sensitive and should be completely confidential regarding personal information about the teacher and the results of the appraisal
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