Further reading: What is licensing and what are the benefits


A licensed teacher is a sign that the teacher belongs to the profession and meets the stipulated professional requirements to be allowed to practice.

Licensing a professional is a guarantee to society that the practitioner meets certain standards, adheres strictly to a Code of Conduct, and continuously updates him or herself professionally.

Being a licensed teacher implies the teacher actively pursues a career in teaching and aspires for higher positions and grades through self-improvement, experience, and acquisition of knowledge and skills. A licensed teacher is expected to take advantage of in-service training opportunities and opportunities for acquiring higher educational attainments.

As a professional, a teacher should acquaint him/her self with relevant professional associations / Communities of Practice focussed on teaching and subject specialisations (such as Math and English), and participate as an active member. 

Being licensed and a member of professional bodies may also endow a teacher with benefits and privileges.

A teacher’s license is valid for three (3) years. After this period, the license must be renewed through evaluation by the TSC. The evaluation is based on evidence in the Performance Appraisal and Teacher Portfolio, and is guided by the Professional Standards for Teachers and Code of Conduct for Teachers.

Who is responsible

  • TSC’s Department of Registration and Licensing has overall responsibility for the licensing of teachers.


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