Further reading: Induction introduction
The purpose of the induction training programme is to introduce new teachers to the teaching profession and familiarise him or her with the job as a teacher and with the school environment.
The induction training programme coincides with the new teacher’s probation period.
The induction training programme is delivered in three stages:
- A preliminary two (2) day Induction programme offered by the SLTU in cooperation with TSC and hosted by the TTC on the teacher’s graduation from a teacher training college. The training covers introduction to the profession, the rights and responsibilities of teachers and the career prospects of a teacher.
- A two (2) day induction training programme at the new teacher’s school developed by the TSC and delivered by the school. If possible, it might include a group of new teachers from a cluster of neighbouring schools.
- An on-the-job mentoring programme by the school leader and a senior teacher assigned as the new teacher’s mentor. This is a follow up of student practice.
Who is responsible
Teaching Service Commission
- Determines the rules and framework for Induction Training
- Provides overall management of induction training in schools
- Provides a two (2) day standard induction training programme to be delivered at and by the school.
Teacher Training Colleges and Sierra Leone Teachers’ Union
- Hosts the SLTU and TSC two (2) days’ induction training programme
- Involved in preparation and delivery of the training programme.
- Delivers the two (2) day induction training programme for newly employed teachers
- Provides mentoring and supervision during the probation.