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Teacher Job Description

Full job description for a position as a teacher including: purpose, tasks and competencies Po...

Key Organisations

The Education Act, 2004 details the mandates, key responsibilities and composition of educational...

Facts and figures on schools, teachers and pupils in Sierra Leone

The following information is taken from the School Census 2019. The census report was still in dr...


The Human Resource Manual for Teachers and School Leaders, in short the HR Manual, aims to addres...


This Human Resource Manual for Teachers and School Leaders, released by the Teaching Service Comm...

Best Practice: How to protect the natural environment in schools

Teach pupils how to protect the natural environment and avoid pollution. They in turn will teach...

Best Practice: How to promote a good psychological work climate

Promote a work climate of professionalism, objectivity, sincerity, trust, mutual respect, and mu...

Best Practice: How to report poor OHS

  Follow procedures in the Code of Conduct. If you observe a lack in OHS precautions in a scho...

Best Practice: How to manage stress

There is an increased focus on work-related stress in HR in almost all occupations across the wor...

Best Practice: How to prepare in case of an accident in school

Follow prevailing national and district manuals, regulations, guidance and manuals. (MBSSE ...

Best Practice: How to secure health and safety in schools

  IT IS IMPORTANT TO APPLY the MBSSE’s standard procedures, manuals and checklists. (These sh...

Best Practice: How to uphold Equal Opportunities in schools

  Ensure all teachers/students have equal access to opportunities and participation. Ensure po...

Best Practice: How to set criteria for performance

  The Personal Develop Plan should include: Indicators: by which to determine the results Opp...

Best Practice: How to initiate self-directed learning

There are many opportunities for teachers to pursue knowledge and skills outside of training cour...

Best Practice: Out of the classroom, on-the-job or spare-time learning

Job-based and spare-time learning are low-cost solutions to develop competencies which, if approp...

Best Practice: Follow up of a training course

An important dimension of learning is to practice what you have learnt in real life to reinforce ...

Best Practice: How to evaluate the results of a learning event

CPD training courses and learning events are evaluated to ensure learning is effective and to imp...

Best Practice: How to assess effectiveness of a learning event

Participant learning and acquisition of competencies may be assessed through tests such as: Mul...

Best Practice: How to deliver an effective CPD training course

How much teachers participating in CPD training courses and learning events learn ultimately depe...

Best Practice: How to manage and administer a learning event

Depending on the size and scope of the learning event one or more competent staff should be in ch...