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Further Reading: The purpose of registration
It is essential for effective Human Resource Management of teachers that all teachers are appr...
The Human Resource Manual for Teachers and School Leaders, in short the HR Manual, aims to addres...
Rules: Promotion
Includes: Fundamental principles of promotion; Who can be promoted and how; the Teacher Portfolio...
Rules: Probation
A teacher appointed by the TSC on a permanent basis must complete an initial probation period of...
Further Reading: Job Description
Job descriptions guide the work of teachers and school leaders and are at the heart of many Per...
School Leader Job Description
Full job description for a position as a school leader including: tasks, competencies and quali...
Teacher Job Description
Full job description for a position as a teacher including: purpose, tasks and competencies Po...
Key Organisations
The Education Act, 2004 details the mandates, key responsibilities and composition of educational...
Facts and figures on schools, teachers and pupils in Sierra Leone
The following information is taken from the School Census 2019. The census report was still in dr...
Best Practice: How to set criteria for performance
The Personal Develop Plan should include: Indicators: by which to determine the results Opp...
Process: Teacher Database and Register
The TSC has a hard-copy of personnel records of all approved teachers. These will be scanned...
Rules: Performance Appraisal
Teacher performance appraisal is conducted annually, starting with completion of the Personal...
Process: How to deliver an induction training programme in a school
School leaders and senior teachers are required to mentor new teachers. This is a continuation of...
Rules: Induction
A new teacher is required to complete an induction training programme during his or her probatio...
Further reading: Induction introduction
The purpose of the induction training programme is to introduce new teachers to the teaching prof...
Best Practice: How to arrange and supervise student practice
For further details and instruction please refer to Teacher Mentoring: An Intensive Course for Sc...
Process: How to enrol in a part-time distance teacher education course
Part-time distance teacher education courses are offered by TTCs and the SLTU. To enrol in a dis...
Process: How to enrol at a teacher training college
Admission criteria is specific for each course. The applicant should complete their application o...
Further Reading: Introduction to teacher education
Pre-service teacher education, which is offered by Teacher Training Colleges (TTCs), provides the...
Best Practice: How to use a Promotion Score Chart
It is recommended candidates are assessed against the criteria for promotion using a score chart,...